
Invites you to take part in its work of the V International scientific‐technical conference:




To participate in the conference you need to send to the e-mail address of the organizing committee Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. an application for participation and abstracts. Submission of conference materials – until October 18, 2020


Requirements for the reports:

Abstracts of 3 full pages A5 can be prepared in Ukrainian or English. The text should be typed in the MS Word editor in portrait orientation. Page margins: top, bottom, left - 2 cm; right - 1.5 cm. Paragraph indent - 0.75. Line spacing - single. Font - Times New Roman, 11 pt.

Drawings are made in graphic editors and placed on the text; numbered as necessary, for example, "Fig. 1. Title ”(font - 9 pt, italics). The quality of the drawings must be read and reproduced.

Tables are numbered, for example, "Table 1" (font - 9 pt), the next line - the name of the table with a capital letter. Font inside the table - 9 pt.

Formulas - Times New Roman font, regular symbol - 12 pt, large index - 6 pt, small index - 4 pt. Formulas are typed in the MS Equation formula editor. The formula is placed in the center of the line, the formula number (in parentheses, 11 pt) - on the right edge of the page, reflected from the text by empty lines of 6 pt.


The order of placement of materials:

1) Title of the report - capital letters, bold, 11 pt, centered,without hyphens. After the name, the space of one line is 6 pt.

2) The authors of the report - name, initials (bold, italics), position, organization (normal font, italics), centered. For students and graduate students, the educational institution and supervisor are indicated. After the authors, the omission of one line is 11 pt.

3) The text of abstracts - the font is normal, width alignment.

4) References - regular font, 9 pt, width alignment. It is made out according to requirements of standards, should contain no more than 5 names, placement at once after the text of the report. Pass in front of the bibliography - 11 pt.


Participation and publication of abstracts in the Proceedings of the conference is free. The order of the conference will be announced later (in the usual way, via remote participation, or by video comferention). Before the start of the conference, an electronic collection of conference materials will be published with the assignment of the ISBN number. The best reports can be recommended for publication in the collections of scientific works «Technology and Technique of Typography» (http://ttdruk.vpi.kpi.ua) and «Printing Horizon» (http://horizons.vpi.kpi.ua), which included in the list of professional publications of category B.


Invitation to conference PMW 2020